The Entry and Assessment interim report has today been published, following an initial consultation which received over 1,200 submissions from members and industry stakeholders. The Standards and Regulation Board (SRB) established the Entry and Assessment Review, a programme of work to research, design, and make recommendations on routes of entry for the profession, to be carried out by the independent Entry and Assessment Steering Group (EASG).

RICS Qualifications and Assessments Committee has agreed with the EASG to consider the short-term Report recommendations and make immediate improvements within the existing RICS regulatory framework. Other recommendations call for more research, development and work with our members — we are committed to undertaking this work in 2023.

The EASG’s interim report focuses on the work completed in the first year, specifically reporting on the consultation and research element of the programme. It sets out the feedback and key findings to the consultation based on six categories:

  • membership grades
  • pathways and competencies
  • the membership assessment process
  • accredited degrees and vocational routes to membership
  • continuing professional development and
  • other topics, and future research areas.

Sarah Hutchinson, Chair, Entry and Assessment Group said: “Our responsibility to future surveyors, and the society that will benefit from their work, means that we must ensure the standard of entry to RICS membership assesses the right skills, knowledge and behaviours, in the right way. This interim report is an important step on that journey.”

By collaborating with our members and stakeholders, we ensure RICS' qualifications will remain relevant in an ever-changing, dynamic landscape, and we continue to uphold our public interest mission.  

We are constantly reviewing and developing our accreditation criteria and training frameworks to ensure they meet market needs and the latest technology and sustainability requirements, and incorporate modern skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership into learning.

We are listening to our members and following up on the key issues they raised in earlier consultations about supporting and creating a dynamic, more diverse future workforce, designing our assessment and review methods in a manageable way, and ensuring fairness, validity, consistency and reliability globally. We expect to provide a full report, with recommendations, by the second quarter of 2024.

Read report in full.

RICS will be running a series of focus group on the future research areas of the Entry and Assessment Review highlighted in the consultation.

All trainees, candidates, members and non-members, are encouraged to participate. Get in touch if you would like to be involved and find out more.