In this discussion between Andrew Knight and Dalraj Nijjar, co-founder of Concrete4Change, they delve into the topic of carbon capture and utilization within the concrete industry. Dalraj outlines the challenges faced by the concrete industry in abating carbon emissions, particularly from cement production. Concrete4Change's solution involves developing a material that absorbs CO2 and, when added to concrete, enhances its strength and sustainability. The conversation covers various technological aspects, including the process of locking CO2 in concrete, controlled carbonation, and how the technology aligns with the supply chain. Dalraj emphasizes the potential of their approach in creating a significant impact on carbon emissions within the concrete industry. In this video the following topics are covered:

  • Challenges in concrete industry abatement
  • Concrete as a CO2 Sink
  • Controlled carbonation
  • Scaling and Integration with the supply chain
  • Comparing existing alternatives approaches
  • Collaboration and regulatory considerations
  • Creating a bank of evidence

More information regarding the Tech Partner Programme and our partner Concrete4Change can be found here.