Yes - for Associate Assessment candidates only.
RICS are unable to directly source a counsellor for you. The candidate is responsible for finding someone to act as their counsellor. We would suggest asking across your professional network to see if a member of RICS is willing to act in this role.
Any Chartered RICS member can potentially act as a counsellor, and you can find a list of members here. If you are an Associate Assessment candidate, then you can also use an Associate member – AssocRICS.
If you do not know anyone suitable, consider reaching out across the following channels:
If you are still having problems finding a counsellor after exhausting these avenues, please let us know; we may be able to offer some further assistance through the wider RICS network.
Pathway Change
Candidates who’ve had a career change can switch to a different pathway more suitable to their current role and responsibilities. RICS has multiple pathways, which may better align with other competencies and skills.
When considering a pathway change, please discuss suitability, relevant experience, and competency selection with your counsellor. You will need to review your previous experience and determine what will be relevant to your new pathway, this can then be transferred to be used in your final assessment and or diary/logbook. As a current candidate, you can update your pathway in the Assessment Platform. Assessment Platform > Edit Profile > Change Pathway.
Route Change
If you are an enrolled candidate, you may be eligible to change to a different route to membership if you meet the eligibility criteria.
Once you have reviewed the below, please email with your route change requests.
As a current enrolled candidate, you will need to log in to the Assessment Platform. We recommend first selecting your competencies. You can then download the submission document and templates (Summary of Experience and Case Study) and start working on your submission. If you are following an APC structured training route, you must log your daily experience in your diary, helping to track your progress toward submitting correctly for the final assessment.
Additional information and guidance about our Assessment Platform and assessment dates can be found here.
Please download the candidate guide, pathway guides, and submission templates available on the Assessment Platform home page and help section.
There is a selection of Assessment Platform Tutorials relevant to each route on YouTube which we recommend you watch: Tutorials / RICS Assessment Platform.
RICS doesn’t provide example submissions, as each candidate's work is individual to them and should be created as such.
As a Candidate, you can review the Submission and Assessment pages for additional guidance, tips, and understanding of writing and inclusions.
Candidates can apply to have their diary backdated to a maximum of six months from the date of enrolment. To apply for a diary back date, you need to provide a letter from your employer or counsellor to confirming the following:
Structured training start date - confirmation that you have been working towards your APC since this date and where you have been working during that period.
If you started your APC as agreed during a placement year as part of an RICS-accredited degree course, you will need to complete the submit the Placement year declaration and return it to –
Please note that we will not accept work contracts as evidence for diary backdates.
Your application for election must be supported by three Chartered Surveyors (MRICS or FRICS). No more than two can be from your employer. Your counsellor can also act as your Proposer or seconder.
All UK&I and MENA candidates who are sitting their assessment interview are required to complete a mandatory intent to submit form (including candidates who are on an apprenticeship programme) This helps to cross reference all entry points for the end point assessment. You will receive an eligibility email containing the intent to submit form. To view upcoming dates as to when the eligibility email will be sent please click here.
To protect the candidate's right and sensitivity, we will not record any information on the candidate's record. Anything regarding Reasonable Adjustments, please email, and the Reasonable Adjustment Team will be able to assist.
When you request a Counsellor, Seconder or Proposer to support your submission on your assessment platform, they are sent an email to notify them of this relationship request.
Unfortunately, these emails are not always received as some firms' firewalls block these emails, or filtered by individual Spam and Junk email settings. However, the email is just a notification, and they do not need to use this to access their approval process.
Your Counsellor, Seconder or Proposer can accept the request by logging onto their Assessment Platform. Once logged in, they can navigate to their name in the top right-hand corner. Next to their name, there will be a drop-down. They will need to click on the drop-down and then select ‘View My Approvers Requests’. Alternatively, in the menu navigation on the left-hand side of the screen, they can access ‘View My Approvers Requests’.
Here, the relationship will be showing, ready to either be accepted or declined.
If your Case Study and/or Summary of Experience has been sent to your Counsellor for review, your Counsellor will need to approve or provide feedback on the Assessment Platform. Once this has been done, you will be able to upload the amended version.
If you have submitted it for final assessment or preliminary review, your submission will be locked until the assessment/review is complete.
If there is a padlock symbol on your dashboard, this means that your Assessment Platform has been locked, as you have submitted your work for assessment. You should also see a banner that lets you know your status.
If you have been referred, your Assessment Platform will be unlocked when your referral report is available – 28 days after your assessment.
If you have deferred, your Assessment Platform will be unlocked 48 hours after the request to defer has been completed.
In either situation, if you still have the symbol after this, please send a screenshot to
If you wish to readmit, please visit the following page, which explains the readmission process - this will guide you through what is involved: Readmission to RICS.
Check out our general contact numbers and information here.