We have a duty to ensure the safety and welfare of our staff, members and any visitors to our buildings.
We are committed to dealing with all professionals, staff and members of the public fairly and impartially and to providing a high standard of service. However, we do not expect our staff, member or visitors to the building to tolerate behaviour by people which is clearly unacceptable (eg. abusive, offensive or threatening) and may take action to protect our staff from that behaviour.
When we consider that a person’s behaviour is unacceptable we will tell them why that is so and will ask them to change it. If the unacceptable behaviour continues, we will take action to restrict that person’s contact with us.
The decision to restrict access to our premises will be taken at Head of Facilities level. Any restrictions imposed will be appropriate and proportionate. The options we are most likely to consider are:
Where a member continues to behave in a way which is unacceptable and the evidence we have is indicative of a breach of the Rules of Conduct for Members, the matter will be referred for formal investigation by the Regulations team with a view to disciplinary action.
Where the behaviour is so extreme that it threatens the immediate safety and welfare of RICS staff, we will consider other options, for example reporting the matter to the police. In such cases, we may not give the customer prior warning of that action.