Member Spotlight

Q&A with Uche Obi FRICS, Chief Valuation Officer at Cayman Islands Government Lands & Survey Department and RICS Governing Council Member.

Why did you choose to become a surveyor?

When I was young, I enjoyed playing with Lego to create buildings. So, I was attracted to a career in the property.

How did you learn about RICS and what was your first impression of the organisation?

Growing up in Nigeria, there were several prominent Nigerians who were Chartered Surveyors. I learnt about the RICS from these members and my first impression of the organization was that it was a preeminent organisation with very professional and highly regarded members.

How did you choose your pathway?

To be honest, I became a valuation surveyor by accident. When I completed my post-graduate degree in Property Valuation and Law from the City University Business School in London, I was offered a job with the Valuation Office Agency. I really enjoyed the position as it gave me an opportunity to meet people and provide advice on the value of properties as well as negotiate the sale and acquisition of properties. Also, it wasn’t an office job.

What has been your biggest challenge and your biggest achievement so far in your career?

Getting a job after completing my post-graduate degree was extremely difficult due to lack of opportunities for black professionals and being Nigerian. Despite the challenges I faced, I have succeeded in reaching the pinnacle of my career as well as serving on the RICS Governing Council.

What steps can professionals in the sector take, including those in leadership positions, to level the playing field, champion and support the creation of a more diverse and inclusive industry that is inviting, welcoming and fosters talent?

Barriers to creating a more diverse industry are awareness, accessibility and affordability. RICS/Leaders should make every effort to promote the profession in diverse communities, encourage mentorship and ensure that entry into the profession is affordable.

What advice would you give to young professionals considering a future in the built environment?

It is a great profession as it is very varied and gives you great flexibility. Also, the RICS is a global passport as it is recognised all over the world.