Q&A with Joyline Mukundu-Murekachiro MRICS, Chairperson of the Publicity and External Affairs Committee of the Real Estate Institute of Zimbabwe, Vice President of the Zimbabwe Regional and Urban Planners, and Property Investments Manager for the National Social Security Authority.
Why did you choose to become a surveyor?
I found the field a bit challenging but also an innovation trigger that could give me the opportunity to prove my potential, hence l embraced the challenge.
How did you learn about RICS and what was your first impression of the organisation?
I learnt about RICS through a senior work colleague who was a Fellow member then. My first impression about RICS was it was a prime organisation with a very few Black professionals.
How did you choose your pathway?
I considered my area of specialisation back then which was also my strength, that is Valuation, although over the years l have also diversified into Property Management.
What has been your biggest challenge and your biggest achievement so far in your career?
My biggest challenge was to prove my capacity in a male dominated industry, and l am glad l have not only managed to undertake portfolio Valuations but to have big institutions having confidence in me to train and impart knowledge to aspiring Chartered Surveyors. One gains more knowledge by imparting the same to others rather than keeping it to themselves.
What steps can professionals in the sector take, including those in leadership positions, to level the playing field, champion and support the creation of a more diverse and inclusive industry that is inviting, welcoming and fosters talent?
Probably considering accreditation with Universities and Real Estate Institutions in developing countries and charging affordable membership fees in such countries as Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique etc. to enhance affordability and increase membership.
What advice would you give to young professionals considering a future in the built environment?
Go for it expectantly! A career in the built environment is worth it, it is the future!