1. To start this off Olivia, can you tell us a bit about yourself and your current position as a Graduate Surveyor at Carter Jonas?

I graduated from Harper Adams University in 2021 with a 2:1 degree in Rural Estate and Land Management. In the following summer, I started work as a graduate rural surveyor at Carter Jonas in the Birmingham office where I undertake a variety of rural work including valuation, tenancy advice, property management and compensation matters. During my free time I enjoy meeting with friends, family, spending time in the countryside and going out horse riding.

2. What inspired you to become a surveyor?

Whilst at school we had a careers day where we had a talk from someone in the property industry who explained their role and the kind of projects that they got involved with. Following on from this I did some work experience which gave me a further insight into the job and the opportunities available. I enjoyed the prospect of the job being varied and the opportunity to go out and about in the countryside to meet with Clients.

3. Are you planning to become a Chartered RICS Surveyor? Why?

I sat my APC this autumn and am pleased to say I have passed! I think it is a great organisation to be a member of especially for the status which it holds and the network of people involved, all of whom are willing to help one another.  

4. Why have you been working hard to draw more attention to mental health in the sector?

On New Years Day this year (2022) I received the sad news that a friend from university had taken his own life. This was not something that anyone had expected and affected so many people and it really hit home that you truly don’t know what someone is going through. I thought if I started ‘Let’s Get Talking’ it would provide a space where people would be able to go to quickly find details of helplines should they need them in a time of crisis to save them trailing the internet and also provide some top tips on dealing with mental health motivational posts to brighten up their Instagram feeds.

I think it is so important that we all work together to break the stigma surrounding mental health and as my Instagram page says, ‘get talking’ about all things mental health. ‘Mind’ reports that approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year showing that it really is so important that we all work together to support one another and raise awareness of the problems which people may be facing. I think that there is a lack of information out there which focuses specifically on the rural community and their mental health however after doing research there are numerous charities out there which can help and I think it is so important that the word is spread widely about these.

5. How do you think the rural environment impacts mental health differently?

Farming isn’t just a job it is a way of life and although it can bring such joy it can also be difficult at times particularly dealing with matters out of your control.
Farmers spend a lot of time on their own in their tractors and work long hours meaning that they could potentially go a whole day without seeing many other people.

We need people to know they are never alone and there is always someone willing to help.

6. What steps have you taken to affect positive change?

I have set up my Instagram page ‘Let’s Get Talking’ to signpost people to the charities which are out there to help them through the tricky patches of life, brighten up their feeds with motivational quotes and also provide some top tips relating to mental health. Through doing this I hope to encourage people to get talking and really spread the word that they are never alone, no matter what they are going through.

The response I have had to my page has been overwhelming and I have received such lovely comments. I may never know if I have helped someone but if I can help just one person then it makes it all worth it.

7. What more can we as a professional body and members of the profession do to be better allies to people who are having difficulties with their mental health?

I think as my Instagram page suggests we all need to start talking more openly about mental health to help break the stigma surrounding it. Take the time out of our days to check in on one another, it can be as simple as asking ‘how are you today?’, this could help someone to reach out if they’re in need of help and remind them they are not alone.