During your journey towards a RICS qualification, you are assessed on your sector-specific skills, knowledge and experience.

You will select the sector pathway most closely linked to your area of expertise.

For Associate qualification (AssocRICS) there are 13 sector pathways available.

For Chartered qualification (MRICS) there are 22 sector pathways.

Sector pathways: Competencies guide


Download the guide

How we assess your skills

For each sector pathway, you will be assessed against a range of specific competencies. These are split between mandatory, core and optional competencies:


  • Mandatory – personal and professional practice and business skills (these are the same for all sector pathways)
  • Core – the main skills of your chosen pathway
  • Optional – additional skills for your chosen pathway.

Each competency is assessed at three levels:

  • Level 1 – knowledge and understanding
  • Level 2 – application of knowledge
  • Level 3 – depth and synthesis of technical knowledge and implementation.

The levels you are required to reach for each competency vary across sector pathways and depending on whether you are applying to be an Associate Member (AssocRICS) or a Chartered Member (MRICS).

Sector pathways: find the right one for you

The regulatory functions of RICS relating to entry and admission to the profession are led and overseen by Standards and Regulation Board (SRB).

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RICS Support Packages


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